Monday, January 16, 2012

Communing with Primates

I'm getting really pregnant now. People say to me, "Any day now!" This roughly translates to, "You are looking like you have put on 40-50 pounds and I can't imagine you getting any bigger." In fact, I have a good month and a half until I meet this little guy who kicks so hard, I'm convinced he's trying to escape.

But I have been very tired. I don't remember this exhaustion with Molly, but that may be selective memory. Luckily, my husband contracts for a bank, so he had off today in honor of Martin Luther King Day. We decided to head to the oft-requested Philadelphia Zoo despite very cold temperatures and my complete lack of energy.

We spent most of the time in the indoor exhibits, especially the primate house. We have a membership and have especially enjoyed watching a baby gibbon grow up. Leo was born April 2011. The first time we saw him, he was a teeny infant, nursing from his mom. We've watched him venture away from his mom, who now keeps a watchful eye while he plays and toddles around the habitat.

Today, something kind of amazing happened. MJ was doing her monologue explaining the family structure (typically she's 100% wrong and is just obsessed with mommies and babies, but happened to be correct today).

Leo came over to Molly and started checking her out. He was touching the glass, reaching for her. She put her hand on the glass and he batted her. He played in his branches and showed off for her, then inspected her again. It was the coolest thing. I'm no animal behavior expert but it seemed like this creature was inviting my daughter to play with him!

I never want to forget this moment. Made waddling out of the house worth it.

Here is a pic of Baby Leo the White-Handed Gibbon from the Philly Zoo website when he was a newborn. I wish they had a more recent shot. He is the cutest.

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